A Link to Hope

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A Link to Hope

A Link to Hope was founded in 2014 by a Stroke Survivor to instill hope and purpose into the lives of Stroke Survivors, Caregivers and their families. Based in Austin, Texas, A Link to Hope is funded by donations and grants, and is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

A Link to Hope starts with a referral to a 12-week outpatient program called Hope Camp that helps the Stroke Survivor and Caregiver begin healing, both mentally and physically. The program includes: 

  • Chiropractic Care
  • Myofascial Release Therapy
  • Applied Functional Science (Movement Therapy) and/or Physical Therapy
  • Deep Tissue Massage
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Faith-based Psychological Counseling for Stroke Survivors and Caregivers​

After the 12-week initial start-up program, ALH stays with the Stroke Survivor and offers referral plans to fit each person. We also offer Stroke Survivors and their families a place to come where they can work out, get counseling, and be a family together.

For those patients having problems with speaking or cognitive functions, ALH will refer those patients to an Austin-based speech therapy organization.

We are a family and hope to bring a change of life to Stroke Survivor Families, both today and in the future – the whole person and family unit. 

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